Niimbus, a renowned high-end brand, was introduced by Lake People in 1986. Building upon the extensive development experience at Lake People and taking the Violectric brand to new heights of technical and aesthetic excellence, all Niimbus products proudly bear the distinguished "Ultimate Series" designation.
With an unwavering attention to detail, Niimbus utilizes premium materials and advanced technologies to ensure unmatched performance and durability. Their commitment to delivering superior sound reproduction is evident in the sleek design and impeccable audio quality of each product they offer.
Niimbus is dedicated to creating sophisticated and highly regarded audio equipment that meets the standards of the reference class. In the professional market, the company provides solutions under the Lake People brand, while in the Hi-Fi market, they offer products under the Violectric and Niimbus brands.
Brand: Niimbus
Headphone output: 6.35mm jack, XLR
Output connectors: 6.35mm jack, 4.4mm jack, XLR, RCA