Cable select

It's easy to get confused in all the variety of cables. We decided to help you save time and created a special constructor. You can choose the cable type, material, color, connectors and length. The designer will automatically select cables that suit your specified parameters. The whole process will take no more than 5 minutes.

In addition, you can order a premium custom cable from Dr.Head. Just leave your contact number in the window below, and our specialist will contact you for a detailed consultation.

Cable type

Connector 1

  • Not selected

Cable color

Cable length, m

Cable material

Connector 2

  • Not selected


The highest purity copper is used as the main conductor. Connector contacts are made from different materials: in most cases it is gold, silver, chrome, copper. Electrical contacts made of soft material are of better quality: soft metal is prone to abrasion, so the contacts clean themselves when connected and disconnected.

Depending on various factors: cable length, conductor, connectors used, braid, etc.

Have a questions?

Leave your contact details and our specialist will call you back for consultation