Over the past 20 years, the quality of turntables and vinyl records has significantly improved. Acoustic feedback is one of the serious issues when playing vinyl records. The problem arises from the sound that has just been produced by the speakers, which returns to the turntable and causes vibration. The issue lies in the very small time difference between the reproduced sound and the sound that is fed back to the turntable. This leads to a significant loss of detail and clarity, making the sound "muddy". Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to isolate the turntable from its surroundings and also to isolate the record from the turntable. Features:
- Diameter: 295 mm;
- Thickness: 3 mm;
- Material: leather.
To reduce acoustic feedback from the environment to the record and cartridge, much effort has been made to develop mats for turntables that make the reproduced sound crystal clear with greater separation and detail. This was achieved through experiments with various materials that absorb unwanted vibrations not present in the original recording. Now, many people are trying to combine these various materials in a sandwich form simultaneously to achieve the best results. Now Toner offers you the opportunity to experiment on your own, but at a reasonable price. Package includes:
- Slipmat;
- Documentation.