Electrical power is the "fuel" that powers the audio system. Whether it is clean or contaminated, it has a significant impact on the quality of music reproduction and perception. The AC iPurifier is iFi's latest product for stabilizing power systems and cleaning them from noisy sources. This is not an ordinary network cleaning product. Technologically advanced, it is an active, not passive, product, therefore it goes beyond ordinary filtration. The AC iPurifier suppresses much more noise in the frequency range than other passive devices.
AC power filter, working voltage: 90 - 265V, noise suppression: 40dB (> 100x), surge protection: 30,000A, 1,000V/10uS, dimensions: diameter 40 x 115mm, weight: 126g.
It removes annoying noise and hum, allows for adjusting the level of digital volume in wider ranges, and enhances resolution and sound quality.
The device also independently detects the absence of grounding and activates its own "virtual" grounding if necessary. According to the iPurifier specification, it will protect devices from voltage spikes. All of this functionality makes the device act as an active noise suppressor in the electrical network.
- Working voltage: 90 - 265V
- Noise suppression: 40dB
- Surge protection: 30,000A
- Dimensions: 40 x 115mm
- Weight: 126g